Posted on 2016-06-16 / 522

波特医生 – Dr. Daniel A Potter, MD, FACOG

医院(诊所)名称:霍格医院HRC Fertility 妇产科及生殖不孕症权威专家


Daniel A. Potter, 医生, 美国妇产科学会会员

Education 学历

Undergraduate: University of Southern California本科:美国南加州大学
Medical School: University of Southern California医学院:美国南加州大学
Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Women’s Hospital高级专科住院实习(期): 洛杉矶县妇产科/美国南加州大学医院
Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility University of Texas Health Science Center 研究员职位:生殖内分泌与不孕症得克萨斯大学健康科学中心

Board Certification局认证
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility生殖内分泌与不孕症专科
Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科

Academic Appointments学术职务
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
临床助理教授, 妇产科系, 美国南加州大学凯克医学院

Hospital Affiliations 隶属医院
Hoag Memorial Hospital 霍格纪念医院
St. Joseph’s Medical Center圣约瑟夫的医疗中心
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital 长老会共同性医院
St. Jude Medical Center 圣裘德医疗中心
Saddleback Memorial Hospital马鞍纪念医院

U.S. News and World Report, 2012美国新闻与世界报道
2012 Inland Empire Best Doctor 2012内陆帝国最好的医生2012
Los Angeles Magazine, Super Doctor, 2011, 2012洛杉矶杂志,超级医生2011,2012
Los Angeles Magazine, Top Doctor, 2011, 2012 洛杉矶杂志-最好的医生2011,2012
Orange County Medical Association Physician of Excellence Award, 2009, 2012橙县医疗协会医师优秀奖 2009, 2012
Orange Coast Magazine, Top Doctor, 2009, 2012橙县海岸杂志 -顶级医生 2009, 2012
American Fertility Association Family Builder Award, 2006美国生育协会家庭生成奖 2006
Consumer Research Council of America, Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists in America, 2005 - Present美国消费者研究理事会,美国的顶级产科医生和妇科医生, 2005

Professional Organizations专业组织
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 成员, 美国妇产科学院
American Society for Reproductive Medicine美国生殖医学学会
European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology欧洲人类生殖及胚胎学会
Pacific Coast Reproductive Society太平洋海岸生殖医学会
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology辅助生殖技术协会
Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility生殖内分泌及不孕不育的社会组织
Areas of Research and Publication 研究和出版领域 Doctor Potter’s active research interests include pre-implanation genetic testing, single embryo transfer, and gender transfer. Dr. Potter is also author of the book: What to Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant: The Complete Guide to All the Technologies for Couples Facing Fertility Problems (Marlow and Company, New York, New York 2005)
Daniel A. Potter 医生对于生殖技术的置入术前基因检测,单胚胎移植,性别选择非常专业。Daniel A. Potter医生也编写一本书:当你不能怀孕应该做什么”面对生育问题的夫妇所有的技术完全指南”

Dr. Daniel A. Potter, M.D. FACOG, founded Huntington Reproductive Center Medical Group or HRC Fertility in 1988 because be wanted “to help families connect with their destiny.” Now, HRC fertility is one of the largest providers of reproductive care in the United States. 波特医生:他于1988年创立HRC试管婴儿/不孕不育/冷冻卵子医学中心医疗集团。
Dr. Potter is an expert in reproductive sciences. He did both his undergraduate studies and residency at university of southern California. Additionally, he obtained and completed his fellowship for Obstetrics and Gynecology at Los Angeles county/ University of Southern California Women’s Hospital and a second fellowship for reproductive endocrinology and infertility at university of texas health science center. In addition to his extensive studies, Dr. Potter went on the become Board Certificated in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Obstetrics and Gynecology.
His studies prepared him well. Now, Dr. Potter and his colleagues are responsible for thousands of babies all around the world.
Dr. Potter is a gender selection specialist. His expertise and innovation in the field led to him being featured in story for the television show “60 minutes’. Doctor Potter’s active research interests include pre-implantation genetic testing single embryo transfer, and gender transfer. Dr. Potter is also author of the book: What to Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant: The Complete Guide to All the Technologies for Couples Facing Fertility Problems (Marlow and Company, New York, New York 2005)
波特医生是性别选择专家。他在该领域的专业知识和创新导致他被故事为电视节目“60分钟” 的特色。Potter医生的积极的研究兴趣包括植入前基因检测单胚胎移植,性别转移。Daniel A. Potter医生也编写一本书::当你不能怀孕应该做什么”面对生育问题的夫妇所有的技术完全指南” 。
Dr. Potter describes himself as a facilitator to the dreams of couples unable to conceive naturally. His practice reflects his mission. He takes pride in four key areas of his practice:
1. Employs only the latest technology for treatment只采用最新的技术进行治疗
2. Enjoys some of the highest pregnancy ratios in his field在他的领域享有最高的怀孕率
3. Provides individualized care for his patient’s unique needs. 所有病人都有独特的医疗计划和专属的护理
4. Furnishes a caring environment with the most qualified staff提供在一个充满爱心的环境,也只雇用丰富经验的工作人员

Dr. Potter has numerous awards, most notably the vitals awards: Compassionate doctor of the year and patients’ choice sward. He was also named the inland Empire’s best doctor for 2012 by U.S. News and world report for 2012, as well as top doctor honors from Los Angeles magazine for the past two years. He has also been named in the top obstetricians and gynecologists in America from 2005 to today.
波特医生拥有众多奖项,最显着的奖项为年度最体恤的医生和2012美国新闻与世界报道内陆帝国最好的医生! Potter医生也被洛杉矶杂志颁发为2011和2012最好的医生。他从2005年到今天也被评为在美国顶尖妇产科医生。
Like Dr. Potter’s page to get industry updates, great articles, fertility boosting recipes and more, all designed to help you realize the family you always pictured yourself. Let Dr. Potter help connect you with your destiny today.


1. 电话949-372-8863, QQ, 微信5484856, 电子邮件hrcbaby@qq.com我们,此外,您还需要向我们提供您的全名,生日, 住址, 联系电话, 电子邮箱。

2. 收到您的预约申请,我们会发给您一份中文版的“病人信息填写”文档。其中涉及您目前的一些情况,个人及家庭的身体健康状况,药物过敏史等。内容非常细,需要每一位预约的病人如实的填写,以便Dr. Potter全面了解您的情况。填写完成后,请发回到我们的电子邮箱。

3. 国内的所有检查报告,化验单据,也请在第一次就诊前通过Email发送给我们,Dr. Potter会仔细查阅每一份单据。国内做过的化验,到了诊所可以不必重做,减少你们不必要的开支。未做过的化验,重要的项目我们会重点建议,但不会勉强。

4. 收到您填写完成的信息后,我们会第一时间录入Dr. Potter的病人档案系统。然后,我们会电话联系您,给您安排一个与您希望预约的时间接近的就诊时间。如果您需要正式的预约确认函,请告知我们,我们也可以通过电子邮件发给您,正式的预约确认函是有Dr. Potter的亲笔签名的。

7. 常规的产检女士包括:阴超检查,AMH和激素六项检测,男士:精液分析以及面对面的答复你们的所有疑问。如果检查发现的身体状况存在某些问题,Dr. Potter会及时开出处方,需要配合服用,治疗。

8. 无论什么时候,您有任何问题,都可以拨打中文热线,中文客服Shirley朱朱(微信号5484856)将第一时间联系Dr Potter,及时的答复产妇们的各种问题。如果遇到紧急情况,Dr. Potter将会第一时间赶到,投入接生及治疗。


波特醫生 – Dr. Daniel A Potter, MD, FACOG
醫院(診所)名稱:霍格醫院HRC Fertility 婦產科及生殖不孕癥權威專家
Daniel A. Potter, 醫生, 美國婦產科學會會員

Education 學歷

Undergraduate: University of Southern California本科:美國南加州大學
Medical School: University of Southern California醫學院:美國南加州大學
Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Women’s Hospital高級專科住院實習(期): 洛杉磯縣婦產科/美國南加州大學醫院
Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility University of Texas Health Science Center 研究員職位:生殖內分泌與不孕癥得克薩斯大學健康科學中心

Board Certification局認證
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility生殖內分泌與不孕癥專科
Obstetrics and Gynecology 婦產科

Academic Appointments學術職務
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
臨床助理教授, 婦產科系, 美國南加州大學凱克醫學院

Hospital Affiliations 隸屬醫院
Hoag Memorial Hospital 霍格紀念醫院
St. Joseph’s Medical Center聖約瑟夫的醫療中心
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital 長老會共同性醫院
St. Jude Medical Center 聖裘德醫療中心
Saddleback Memorial Hospital馬鞍紀念醫院

U.S. News and World Report, 2012美國新聞與世界報道
2012 Inland Empire Best Doctor 2012內陸帝國最好的醫生2012
Los Angeles Magazine, Super Doctor, 2011, 2012洛杉磯雜誌,超級醫生2011,2012
Los Angeles Magazine, Top Doctor, 2011, 2012 洛杉磯雜誌-最好的醫生2011,2012
Orange County Medical Association Physician of Excellence Award, 2009, 2012橙縣醫療協會醫師優秀獎 2009, 2012
Orange Coast Magazine, Top Doctor, 2009, 2012橙縣海岸雜誌 -頂級醫生 2009, 2012
American Fertility Association Family Builder Award, 2006美國生育協會家庭生成獎 2006
Consumer Research Council of America, Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists in America, 2005 - Present美國消費者研究理事會,美國的頂級產科醫生和婦科醫生, 2005

Professional Organizations專業組織
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 成員, 美國婦產科學院
American Society for Reproductive Medicine美國生殖醫學學會
European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology歐洲人類生殖及胚胎學會
Pacific Coast Reproductive Society太平洋海岸生殖醫學會
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology輔助生殖技術協會
Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility生殖內分泌及不孕不育的社會組織
Areas of Research and Publication 研究和出版領域 Doctor Potter’s active research interests include pre-implanation genetic testing, single embryo transfer, and gender transfer. Dr. Potter is also author of the book: What to Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant: The Complete Guide to All the Technologies for Couples Facing Fertility Problems (Marlow and Company, New York, New York 2005)
Daniel A. Potter 醫生對於生殖技術的置入術前基因檢測,單胚胎移植,性別選擇非常專業。Daniel A. Potter醫生也編寫壹本書:當妳不能懷孕應該做什麽”面對生育問題的夫婦所有的技術完全指南”

Dr. Daniel A. Potter, M.D. FACOG, founded Huntington Reproductive Center Medical Group or HRC Fertility in 1988 because be wanted “to help families connect with their destiny.” Now, HRC fertility is one of the largest providers of reproductive care in the United States. 波特醫生:他於1988年創立HRC試管嬰兒/不孕不育/冷凍卵子醫學中心醫療集團。
Dr. Potter is an expert in reproductive sciences. He did both his undergraduate studies and residency at university of southern California. Additionally, he obtained and completed his fellowship for Obstetrics and Gynecology at Los Angeles county/ University of Southern California Women’s Hospital and a second fellowship for reproductive endocrinology and infertility at university of texas health science center. In addition to his extensive studies, Dr. Potter went on the become Board Certificated in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Obstetrics and Gynecology.
His studies prepared him well. Now, Dr. Potter and his colleagues are responsible for thousands of babies all around the world.
Dr. Potter is a gender selection specialist. His expertise and innovation in the field led to him being featured in story for the television show “60 minutes’. Doctor Potter’s active research interests include pre-implantation genetic testing single embryo transfer, and gender transfer. Dr. Potter is also author of the book: What to Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant: The Complete Guide to All the Technologies for Couples Facing Fertility Problems (Marlow and Company, New York, New York 2005)
波特醫生是性別選擇專家。他在該領域的專業知識和創新導致他被故事為電視節目“60分鐘” 的特色。Potter醫生的積極的研究興趣包括植入前基因檢測單胚胎移植,性別轉移。Daniel A. Potter醫生也編寫壹本書::當妳不能懷孕應該做什麽”面對生育問題的夫婦所有的技術完全指南” 。
Dr. Potter describes himself as a facilitator to the dreams of couples unable to conceive naturally. His practice reflects his mission. He takes pride in four key areas of his practice:
1. Employs only the latest technology for treatment只采用最新的技術進行治療
2. Enjoys some of the highest pregnancy ratios in his field在他的領域享有最高的懷孕率
3. Provides individualized care for his patient’s unique needs. 所有病人都有獨特的醫療計劃和專屬的護理
4. Furnishes a caring environment with the most qualified staff提供在壹個充滿愛心的環境,也只雇用豐富經驗的工作人員

Dr. Potter has numerous awards, most notably the vitals awards: Compassionate doctor of the year and patients’ choice sward. He was also named the inland Empire’s best doctor for 2012 by U.S. News and world report for 2012, as well as top doctor honors from Los Angeles magazine for the past two years. He has also been named in the top obstetricians and gynecologists in America from 2005 to today.
波特醫生擁有眾多獎項,最顯著的獎項為年度最體恤的醫生和2012美國新聞與世界報道內陸帝國最好的醫生! Potter醫生也被洛杉磯雜誌頒發為2011和2012最好的醫生。他從2005年到今天也被評為在美國頂尖婦產科醫生。
Like Dr. Potter’s page to get industry updates, great articles, fertility boosting recipes and more, all designed to help you realize the family you always pictured yourself. Let Dr. Potter help connect you with your destiny today.


1. 電話949-372-8863, QQ, 微信5484856, 電子郵件hrcbaby@qq.com我們,此外,您還需要向我們提供您的全名,生日, 住址, 聯系電話, 電子郵箱。

2. 收到您的預約申請,我們會發給您壹份中文版的“病人信息填寫”文檔。其中涉及您目前的壹些情況,個人及家庭的身體健康狀況,藥物過敏史等。內容非常細,需要每壹位預約的病人如實的填寫,以便Dr. Potter全面了解您的情況。填寫完成後,請發回到我們的電子郵箱。

3. 國內的所有檢查報告,化驗單據,也請在第壹次就診前通過Email發送給我們,Dr. Potter會仔細查閱每壹份單據。國內做過的化驗,到了診所可以不必重做,減少妳們不必要的開支。未做過的化驗,重要的項目我們會重點建議,但不會勉強。

4. 收到您填寫完成的信息後,我們會第壹時間錄入Dr. Potter的病人檔案系統。然後,我們會電話聯系您,給您安排壹個與您希望預約的時間接近的就診時間。如果您需要正式的預約確認函,請告知我們,我們也可以通過電子郵件發給您,正式的預約確認函是有Dr. Potter的親筆簽名的。

7. 常規的產檢女士包括:陰超檢查,AMH和激素六項檢測,男士:精液分析以及面對面的答復妳們的所有疑問。如果檢查發現的身體狀況存在某些問題,Dr. Potter會及時開出處方,需要配合服用,治療。

8. 無論什麽時候,您有任何問題,都可以撥打中文熱線,中文客服Shirley朱朱(微信號5484856)將第壹時間聯系Dr Potter,及時的答復產婦們的各種問題。如果遇到緊急情況,Dr. Potter將會第壹時間趕到,投入接生及治療。


波特医生 – Dr. Daniel A Potter, MD, FACOG-949-372-8863
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