Posted on 2016-07-05 / 2842

About Eyetells

Our profession is Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has other classifications such as Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Chinese Herbal Remedies, Chinese Herbal Healing, Chinese Herbal Formulas, Natural Herbs, Therapeutic Herbs. This is natural therapy…holistic therapy…referred to in the western world as alternative medicine.

Using a revolutionary technique for diagnosis, we take a series of close-up photographs of your eyes, examine them to explain the clear reasons for your disorder, and guide you step by step through the healing process.

We specialize in treating general malaises and complicated conditions. Where all other doctors have failed you, we may be able to help you.

Our clinic is located at 38-19 Union St, Suite 302 Flushing, NY 11354. For information, please call (718) 460-2641 or (347) 924-2682. You can email us at: Our business hours are from 10:30am – 5:30pm. Weekends we close at 5:00pm. We are closed Thursdays.

Address (地址) 38-19 Union St, Suite 305 Flushing, NY 11354 Phone Number (电话) (347) 924-2682 Email (邮件) Monday – Wednessday (星期一至星期三) 10:30am – 5:30pm Thursday (星期四) Closed (休息) Friday – Saturday(星期五至星期六) 10:30am – 5:30pm Sunday (星期日) Closed (休息)

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