Posted on 2017-01-29 / 2823


地址: 181 Galli Curci Rd, Highmount, NY 12441美国

电话: +1 845-254-5600

Belleayre Mountain Ski Center

Belleayre Mountain位於紐約州Highmount的28號州際公路旁,距離紐約市僅數小時路程。這塊土地於1885年被紐約州森林保護區宣佈為“永遠的野外”。早期,滑雪者會在3000英尺以上的地方步行或徒步旅行,成為第一個沿著無名和木質小徑鋪設道路的人。自從美國滑雪經驗開始以來,滑雪者凝視著Belleayre山陡峭崎嶇的斜坡,並夢想著對它們進行精煉。

在20世紀40年代,滑雪愛好者向政治家施加壓力,迫使Belleayre成為家庭和極限滑雪者的安全而有趣的山峰。 1947年,法案被允許紐約州創建Belleayre山。建設開始於1949年,Belleayre開始了其首要的冬季,有五條小徑,一個電動繩索拖車,紐約的第一個吊椅索道,一個山頂小屋,一個帶有灰塵地板的自助餐廳的臨時基地小屋和可容納300人的停車場。 Belleayre將成為該地區冬季運動的中心,也是周邊社區的經濟催化劑。

從一開始,Belleayre就是冬季愛好者的直接熱門。還有一些當地居民仍然記得滑雪者如何在小屋外搭起帳篷,以便能夠在小徑上製作第一條軌道。自1949年安裝第一部電梯以來,每十年都進行了改進和改進。隨著業務的增長,Belleayre擴大了規模。 20世紀50年代增加了12條小徑,3部電梯和新的基地小屋。在1960年代和1970年代之間引入了創新的製雪技術。

從1985年到1993年,600萬美元用於升級機器和設備,確保Belleayre能夠保持其重要娛樂項目的質量和聲譽。從新的升降機到新的小屋,再到新的道路,Belleayre通過其卓越的員工,最先進的設備和成功運營五十多年,努力不斷開拓新的領域 – 並始終站在滑雪行業的最前沿。不斷展望未來。

Belleayre現在是滑雪行業的典範。持續改進包括51區地形公園,兩個進階公園,幾條大型小道,從中級到專家的顛簸,廣泛的空地滑雪和隔離的初學區。滑雪者和滑雪板愛好者的訪問量從1995年的70,000人增加到來自世界各地的超過175,000名滑雪者和滑雪板愛好者。擁有50條小徑,公園和林間空地,8個升降機,包括高速四輪車,Belleayre Mountain,無疑已經從謙遜但充滿希望的開端發展成為一個高效且不斷發展的組織 – 完美無瑕。

Belleayre Mountain is located off of State Route 28 in Highmount, NY, just hours from New York City.  The land was declared “Forever Wild” by the New York State Forest Preserve in 1885.   Early on, skiers would side-step or hike their way more than 3,000 feet to be the first to make tracks down un-named and woody trails.  Since the very beginning of the American skiing experience, skiers gazed at the steep, rugged inclines of Belleayre Mountain and dreamed of refining them.

In the 1940’s skiing enthusiasts pressured politicians to develop Belleayre as a safe and fun mountain for families and extreme skiers alike.  In 1947 bills were introduced allowing New York State to create Belleayre Mountain. Construction began and in 1949 Belleayre began its premier winter season with five trails, an electrically powered rope tow, New York’s first chairlift, a summit lodge, a temporary base lodge with a cafeteria with dirt floors and parking to accommodate 300 people.  Belleayre would become the center for winter sports in the region and an economic catalyst for surrounding communities.

From the very beginning, Belleayre was an immediate hit with winter enthusiasts.  There are some local residents who still remember how skiers pitched tents outside the lodge to be first in line to be able to make first tracks on the trails. Since the first lifts were installed in 1949 each decade brought improvements and refinements.  As business increased, Belleayre expanded.  Twelve trails, three lifts and a new base lodge were added in the 1950’s.  Innovative snow making technology was introduced between the 1960’s and 1970’s.

From 1985 through 1993, six million dollars was spent to upgrade machinery and equipment, assuring that Belleayre would maintain the quality and reputation of its important recreation program.  From new lifts to new lodges to new trails, Belleayre strives to continually break new ground – and stay at the forefront of the ski industry – by successfully operating for over five decades with its extraordinary staff, state-of-the-art equipment and a constant vision of the future.


Belleayre now stands as a model in the ski industry.  Continued improvements include the Area 51 terrain park, two progression parks, several mogul trails ranging from intermediate to expert bumps, extensive glade skiing and segregated beginner area.  Skier and snowboarder visits have grown from 70,000 in 1995 to more than 175,000 skiers and snowboarders from all over the world.  With 50 trails, parks and glades, 8 lifts including a high speed quad, Belleayre Mountain has certainly evolved from humble, yet promising beginnings into an efficient and growing organization – perfection in progress.

Belleayre滑雪中心 845-254-5600
Item Type : 商品
Location : New York

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  • 2019-03-13 at 3:57 上午


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