Posted on 2021-06-12 / 268

曼哈顿中城好区大卧室 “曼哈顿两卧室公寓,其中一间卧室出租,公寓位于中城东河边,地处大学城中心和高级社区,环境优美,舒适安全 。大楼底下是婴幼园学习中心, 周围有勃鲁 克学院,SVA艺术学院,纽约大学,纽约大学护士学院,纽约大学牙医院,纽约大学医学中心, 还有著名的表维医院也在附近。公寓靠近公共汽车和地铁站,乘坐公车M15
三个站可达唐人街, 两个站可达联合国。七月一日开始出租,月租$1680, 水电煤全包。限单人,需常租半年以上,有兴趣者请微信:huazfan, 也可电邮

Manhattan two-bedroom apartment, one of the bedrooms is for rent, the apartment is located by the East River Midtown, an upscale community,
The environment is beautiful, comfortable and safe. The building is located in the center of University City. Underneath the building is the Kindergarten Learning Center. It is surrounded by Baruch College, SVA School of Art, New York University, New York University School of Nursing, New York University Dental Hospital, New York University Medical Center. The famous Bellevue Hospital is also nearby. The apartment is close to the bus and subway station, take the bus M15, three stations could reach Chinatown, two stations could reach the United Nations. It will be available at 7/1/2021, Monthly rent $1680, all inclusive of water, electricity and heat. Single person only and required a long-term tenant for more than half year. If you are interested, please WeChat: huazfan, or email:”

曼哈顿唐人街2房一厅单房出租 曼哈顿下城唐人街2房一厅其中一单房出租,适合工作人士或学生等一。晚上9点之后可来电或信息:6462385373 谢谢

曼哈顿唐人街康斗大单间出租 唐人街康斗电梯大单间出租、洗衣房、保安、大窗户、有网络、可煮、地段好安全放心、交通方便近超市、搂下餐馆酒吧24小时便利店深夜回家不用怕,七月份可入住。人员少年轻人好相处讲卫生,租限二人、留学生和正职行业人士。欢迎来看房地址:14 Orchard st 联系:王生646-384-5480

唐人街有好房間分租 合单身工作人員或者學生愛干凈.卫生的.好地方.方便F地铁和巴士 有意者请電話號碼 :646-829-6539


Item Type : 商品
Location : Manhattan
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